Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of FAQ

03/11/20 15:40:04 (5 years ago)



  • FAQ

    v3 v4  
    6767  * You need a MySQL client to access the database, either a desktop tool like [ MySQL Workbench] or a tak account.
    6868  * The information you need:
    69        * Hostname =
     69       * Hostname =
    7070       * database = entrez_gene
    71        * username = entrezgene
    72        * password = wibr
     71       * username = barc_read_only
     72       * password = Ask BaRC about this
    7373  * On tak, use the command
    74        * mysql -u entrezgene -h -D entrez_gene -p[[br]] [[br]]
     74       * mysql -u barc_read_only -h -D entrez_gene -p[[br]] [[br]]
    75751. [=#hottopics How can I find slides and materials from '''past Hot Topics talks'''?] [[br]] [[br]]
    76   * See our [ Hot Topics ] page, with links to presentations and other materials.[[br]] [[br]]
     76  * See our [ Hot Topics ] page, with links to presentations and other materials.[[br]] [[br]]
    77771. [=#relational How can I '''create my own relational database'''?] [[br]] [[br]]
    7878  * You have the choice of creating a MySQL on your own computer or using Whitehead's MySQL server (canna, which would generally be more robust, if that's needed).
    7979  * If you'd like your own installation, download [ MySQL] and install it.
    80   * If you'd like to use canna, email and request a database on canna.  Once the IT group creates the database, you will be free to add tables and data.
     80  * If you'd like to use devo, email and request a database on devo.  Once the IT group creates the database, you will be free to add tables and data.
    8181  * Regardless of the system see the [ MySQL Reference Manual] and our past BaRC presentations about MySQL
    8282      * [ Relational Databases For Biologists]
    9797   * In addition, see the tutorial created by IT called [ Getting Started with the LSF Cluster][[br]] [[br]]
    98981. [=#perlR How can I find out what '''Perl modules or R packages''' are installed?] Which version is currently installed in the server? [[br]] [[br]]
    99   * There are links on [http://tak/trac/wiki the home page] of Trac, our Tak tracking system to [http://tak/trac/wiki/Packages installed packaged software], [http://tak/trac/wiki/Perl installed Perl modules], [http://tak/trac/wiki/Python installed Python modules], and [http://tak/trac/wiki/R installed R modules]. [[br]] [[br]]
     99  * There are links on [ the home page] of Trac, our Tak tracking system to [http://tak/trac/wiki/Packages installed packaged software], [http://tak/trac/wiki/Perl installed Perl modules], [http://tak/trac/wiki/Python installed Python modules], and [http://tak/trac/wiki/R installed R modules]. [[br]] [[br]]
    1001001.  [=#xwindow  How can I '''connect to tak'''?][[br]] [[br]]
    101101  * To connect to tak, you need a [ tak account] and some kind of secure shell (ssh) with X Windows (to get the graphics):
    143143  * It used to be at [] but we no longer provide Galaxy.  [[br]] [[br]]
    1441441. [=#rstudio Where can I '''find R Studio on tak'''?][[br]] [[br]]
    145   * []  [[br]] [[br]]
     145  * []  [[br]] [[br]]
    1461461. [=#IGV Where can I '''find IGV download'''?] [[br]] [[br]]
    147147  * [][[br]] [[br]]