3 | | * RNAseq includes reads mapped across splice junctions and is associated with high variability of coverage, so typical variant calling pipelines (for DNA) can lead to lots of false positives and negatives. |
4 | | * GATK is currently the gold standard for calling variants in RNA-seq data. See a detailed description of their workflow here: [https://gatkforums.broadinstitute.org/gatk/discussion/3892/the-gatk-best-practices-for-variant-calling-on-rnaseq-in-full-detail GATK Variant Calling for RNA-seq] |
| 3 | * RNA-seq includes reads mapped across splice junctions and is associated with high variability of coverage, so typical variant calling pipelines (for DNA) can lead to lots of false positives and negatives. |
| 4 | * GATK is currently the gold standard for calling variants in RNA-seq data. See a detailed description of their workflow here |
| 5 | * [https://gatkforums.broadinstitute.org/gatk/discussion/3892/the-gatk-best-practices-for-variant-calling-on-rnaseq-in-full-detail GATK Best Practices for variant calling on RNAseq] |
| 6 | * [https://software.broadinstitute.org/gatk/documentation/article.php?id=3891 Calling variants in RNAseq] (with sample commands) |