=== Making diffusion maps with destiny === Seurat v3 doesn't have a function to make diffusion maps anymore. The alternatives are to 1) run the analysis in python using scanpy or 2) make a single cell object, i.e. from the Seurat object, and run the "DiffusionMap" function from the destiny package. Example commands for the second option are shown below. * **Making a single cell object from a Seurat object** {{{ library(Seurat) library(SingleCellExperiment) sce <- as.SingleCellExperiment(seuratObject) #this has the cell classification table(sce$ident) }}} * **Running diffusion map** #this step may take a long time (days) or not finish. It is recommend to send it to the cluster as a script that reads the Seurat or the single cell object, runs DiffusionMap, and saves the object. library(destiny) dm <- DiffusionMap(sce, verbose = TRUE) }}} * **Plotting the diffusion map** {{{ library(ggplot2) cellLabels <- sce$ident tmp <- data.frame(DC1 = eigenvectors(dm)[, 1], DC2 = eigenvectors(dm)[, 2], DC3 = eigenvectors(dm)[, 3], DC4 = eigenvectors(dm)[, 4], Samples = cellLabels) pdf("./DC1_DC2.pdf", w=11, h=8.5) ggplot(tmp, aes(x = DC1, y = DC2, colour = Samples)) + geom_point() + xlab("Diffusion component 1") + ylab("Diffusion component 2") + theme_classic() dev.off() }}} * **Plotting cell progression along the diffusion map components** {{{ sce$pseud_dm1 <- rank(eigenvectors(dm)[,1]) # rank cells by their dpt dm1 sce$pseud_dm2 <- rank(eigenvectors(dm)[,2]) # rank cells by their dpt dm2 sce$pseud_dm1R <- rank(-eigenvectors(dm)[,1]) # rank cells by their dpt dm1 reverse order sce$pseud_dm2R <- rank(-eigenvectors(dm)[,2]) # rank cells by their dpt dm2 reverse order SortedDM1 <- data.frame(DM1Sort = as.data.frame(colData(sce))$pseud_dm1, Samples = as.data.frame(colData(sce))$ident) SortedDM2 <- data.frame(DM2Sort = as.data.frame(colData(sce))$pseud_dm2, Samples = as.data.frame(colData(sce))$ident) SortedDM1R <- data.frame(DM1SortR = as.data.frame(colData(sce))$pseud_dm1R, Samples = as.data.frame(colData(sce))$ident) SortedDM2R <- data.frame(DM2SortR = as.data.frame(colData(sce))$pseud_dm2R, Samples = as.data.frame(colData(sce))$ident) ggplot(SortedDM1, aes(x=SortedDM1[,1], y=Samples,color=Samples)) + geom_jitter() + xlab("Diffusion component 1 (DC1)") + ylab("Samples") + ggtitle("Cells ordered by DC1") ggplot(SortedDM2, aes(x=SortedDM2[,1], y=Samples,color=Samples)) + geom_jitter() + xlab("Diffusion component 2 (DC2)") + ylab("Samples") + ggtitle("Cells ordered by DC2") ggplot(SortedDM1R, aes(x=SortedDM1R[,1], y=Samples,color=Samples)) + geom_jitter() + xlab("Minus Diffusion component 1 (DC1)") + ylab("Samples") + ggtitle("Cells ordered by reversed DC1") ggplot(SortedDM2R, aes(x=SortedDM2R[,1], y=Samples,color=Samples)) + geom_jitter() + xlab("Minus Diffusion component 2 (DC2)") + ylab("Samples") + ggtitle("Cells ordered by reversed DC2") }}} * **Make and interactive 2D and 3D diffusion map figure** {{{ library(plotly) #interactive 2D p2 = plot_ly(x=tmp$DC1, y=tmp$DC2, type="scatter", mode="markers", color=tmp$Samples, marker.size = 0.5) htmlwidgets::saveWidget(as_widget(p2), "Interactive2D_DiffM.html", title = "Diffusion map") #interactive 3D p = plot_ly(x=tmp$DC1, y=tmp$DC2, z=tmp$DC3, type="scatter3d", mode="markers", color=tmp$Samples, marker = list(size = 2 )) htmlwidgets::saveWidget(as_widget(p), "Interactive3D.html", title = "Diffusion map") }}} {{{ }}}