| 43 | * For experiments using hashing or CITE-Seq, |
| 44 | {{{ |
| 45 | #use CITE-seq-Count (https://hoohm.github.io/CITE-seq-Count) |
| 46 | CITE-seq-Count -R1 R1_001.fastq.gz -R2 R2_001.fastq.gz -t tags.csv -cbf 1 -cbl 16 -umif 17 -umil 28 -cells 4000 -o CITESeq_Count_Out |
| 47 | #10X cell barcode is usually first 16 bases |
| 48 | #cbf, cell barcode first position, 1 |
| 49 | #cbl, cell barcode last position, 16 |
| 50 | |
| 51 | #umi is usually the next 12 bases (for V3 chemistry), use 10 bases (for V2 chemistry) |
| 52 | #umif, umi first position, 17 |
| 53 | #umil, umi last position, 28 |
| 54 | |
| 55 | #FASTQC can be also used to verify if the above positions look correct |
| 56 | |
| 57 | #cells, expected number of cells (use Loupe browser to get estimate) |
| 58 | |
| 59 | #CITESeq_Count_Out will contain similar output to usual 10X which can be read-in, e.g |
| 60 | data.htos<-Read10X("CITESeq_Count_Out/umi_count/", gene.column=1) |
| 61 | }}} |
| 62 | Combine/intersect CITE-seq-Count matrix in Seurat using HTODemux in Seurat [[https://satijalab.org/seurat/archive/v3.1/hashing_vignette.html | Demultiplexing with hashtag oligos (HTOs)]] |