Changes between Version 104 and Version 105 of SOPs/atac_Seq
- Timestamp:
- 10/31/23 09:33:57 (17 months ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v104 v105 53 53 # Use alignmentSieve from [[|DeepTools]] 54 54 # "--samFlagInclude 2" => keep only properly paired reads 55 alignmentSieve -b file.bam --minMappingQuality 30 --samFlagInclude 2 -oMAPQ30.bam55 alignmentSieve -b Mapped_reads.bam --minMappingQuality 30 --samFlagInclude 2 -o Mapped_reads.MAPQ30.bam 56 56 57 57 # Use samtools (for single-end reads) 58 samtools view -b -q 30 file.bam >MAPQ30.bam58 samtools view -b -q 30 Mapped_reads.bam > Mapped_reads.MAPQ30.bam 59 59 }}} 60 60 61 61 * Remove duplicates with Picard's 'MarkDuplicates' or 'samtools rmdup'. 62 62 {{{ 63 java -jar /usr/local/share/picard-tools/picard.jar MarkDuplicates I= foo.bam O=noDups.bam M=foo.marked_dup_metrics.txt REMOVE_DUPLICATES=true63 java -jar /usr/local/share/picard-tools/picard.jar MarkDuplicates I=Mapped_reads.bam O=Mapped_reads.noDups.bam M=foo.marked_dup_metrics.txt REMOVE_DUPLICATES=true 64 64 }}} 65 65 * Check deduplication level with [[ | 'fastqc']]. … … 67 67 * Remove reads mapped to mitochondria. 68 68 {{{ 69 samtools view -h file.bam | grep -v chrM | samtools view -b -h -f 0x2 - | samtools sort - > file.sorted.bam69 samtools view -h Mapped_reads.bam | grep -v chrM | samtools view -b -h -f 0x2 - | samtools sort - > Mapped_reads.sorted.bam 70 70 }}} 71 71 72 72 * Index the bam file. 73 73 {{{ 74 samtools index file.sorted.bam74 samtools index Mapped_reads.sorted.bam 75 75 }}} 76 76 … … 141 141 . /nfs/BaRC_Public/conda/start_barc_conda 142 142 }}} 143 * Before running ENCODE pipeline, verify there is no preexisting conda startup code with the command below:143 * Before running the ENCODE pipeline, verify there is no preexisting conda startup code with the command below: 144 144 {{{ 145 145 conda env list 146 146 }}} 147 147 You have no preexisting conda if you get "conda: command not found". Otherwise, log out, log back in, start the new conda instance, and activate encode-atac-seq-pipeline 148 * Ignore the developer's instructions ,use your home directory for conda and the pipeline.148 * Ignore the developer's instructions and use your home directory for conda and the pipeline. 149 149 {{{ 150 150 conda activate encode-atac-seq-pipeline 151 151 }}} 152 * Run. Files could be url or fullpath. [[ | Detail information about .json file]]152 * Run. Files could be url or fullpath. [[ | Detailed information about .json file]] 153 153 {{{ 154 154 caper run /nfs/BaRC_Public/atac-seq-pipeline/atac.wdl -i sample.json