Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of SOPs/atac_Seq

08/14/20 11:14:07 (4 years ago)



  • SOPs/atac_Seq

    v13 v14  
    88 * [#preprocess Pre-process reads](remove adapters and other "contamination")
    99 * [#map Map reads to the genome] (with an unspliced mapping tool)
    10  * [#Run quality control and calculate QC metrics]
     10 * [#QC Run quality control and calculate QC metrics]
    1111 * [#call_peaks Call ATAC-seq "peaks"] with a high coverage of mapped reads
    1212 * Analyze peak regions for binding motifs
    73 # Start by sorting mapped reads by read name
    74 samtools sort -n bowtie/ATAC.bam > ATAC_sortedByName.bam
    75 # Run Genrich
    76 Genrich -e chrM -j -r -v -t ATAC_sortedByName.bam -o peaks/ATAC_peak -f peaks/ATAC_log
     73# need to sort by name
     74samtools sort -n -T abc bowtie/ATAC.bam >ATAC_sortedByName.bam"
     75Genrich -e chrM -j -r -v -t ATAC_sortedByName.bam  -o peaks/ATAC_peak  -f peaks/ATAC_log
    78 where
    79 -j              ATAC-seq mode (must be specified)  intervals are interpreted that are centered on transposase cut sites (the ends of each DNA fragment). Only properly paired alignment are analyzed by default
    80 -r              Remove PCR duplicates
     78-j      ATAC-seq mode (must be specified)  intervals are interpreted that are centered on transposase cut sites (the ends of each DNA fragment). Only properly paired alignments are analyzed by default
     79-r      Remove PCR duplicates
    8180-d <int>        Expand cut sites to the given length (default 100bp)
    82 -e <arg>        Chromosomes (reference sequences) to exclude. Can be a comma-separated  list, e.g. -e chrM,chrY.
     81-e <arg>        Chromosomes (reference sequences) to exclude. Can be a comma-separated list, e.g. -e chrM,chrY.
    8382-E <file>       Input BED file(s) of genomic regions to exclude, such as 'N' homopolymers or high mappability regions
    84 -t <file>       Input SAM/BAM file(s) for experimental sample(s)
    85 -o <file>       Output peak file (in ENCODE narrowPeak format)
    86 -f <LOG>        Those who wish to explore the results of varying the peak-calling parameters (-q/-p, -a, -l, -g) should consider having Genrich produce a log file when it parses the SAM/BAM files (for example, with -f <LOG> added to the above command). Then, Genrich can call peaks directly from the log file with the -P option: Genrich -P -f <LOG> -o <OUT2> -p 0.01  -a 200 -v
     83-t  <file>       Input SAM/BAM file(s) for experimental sample(s)
     84-o  <file>       Output peak file (in ENCODE narrowPeak format)
     85-f <LOG>        Those who wish to explore the results of varying the peak-calling parameters (-q/-p, -a, -l, -g) should consider having Genrich produce a log file when it parses the SAM/BAM files (for example, with -f <LOG> added to the above command). Then, Genrich can call peaks directly from the log file with the -P option:
     86                        Genrich  -P  -f <LOG>  -o <OUT2>  -p 0.01  -a 200  -v
    108 === [=#Run quality control and calculate QC metrics] ===
     108=== [=#QC Run quality control and calculate QC metrics] ===
    109110* Fragment size distribution with ATACseqQC R package: