Changes between Version 36 and Version 37 of SOPs/atac_Seq

03/16/21 11:54:39 (4 years ago)



  • SOPs/atac_Seq

    v36 v37  
    239239  * Unless you have high coverage, use all reads for downstream analysis and not remove mono-, di-, tri-, etc. nucleosome fragments or reads.  Otherwise, you may miss many open chromatin regions during peak calling.
    240240  * The nucleosome free region (NFR) should be > 38bp to < 147 bases (one nucleosome); mono nucleosome fragments are in the range of 147-200 bp
    241     * Shorter reads lengths, e.g. 50x50 or 75x75, should be used instead of longer reads, e.g. 100x100.
     241    * Shorter reads lengths to sequence NFR/fragments, e.g. 50x50 or 75x75, should be used instead of longer reads, e.g. 100x100.
    242242  * For calling open/accessible regions, at least ~50M reads are recommended.
    243   * For transcription factor footprinting, at least ~200M reads are recommended.
     243  * For transcription factor footprinting, at least ~200M reads are recommended to ensure high coverage of the NFR.
    244244  * Tn5 produces 5’ overhangs of 9 bases long: pos. strand + 4 and neg strand -5 (shiftGAlignmentsList and shiftReads function) splitGcAlignmentsByCut: creates different bins of reads: NFR, mono, di, etc. Shifted reads that do not fit into any of the bins should be discarded.
    245245  * Use housekeeping genes to check QC: signal enrichment is expected in the regulatory regions of housekeeping genes in good ATAC-seq experiments. Use IGVSnapshot function with geneNames param. splitGAlignmentsByCut: creates different bins of reads: NFR, mono, di, etc. Shifted reads that do not fit into any of the bins should be discarded.