== Using ATAC-Seq to identify open chromatin == ATAC-seq (Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin using sequencing) is a method to identify regions of accessible ("open") chromatin that are presumed to be available for binding by transcription factors and other DNA-binding proteins, which in turn can regulate genome function. It can help answer experimental questions previously addressed by techniques like MNase-seq, DNase-Seq, and FAIRE-Seq. Basic Approach * Pre-process reads (remove adapters and other "contamination") * Map reads to the genome (with an unspliced mapping tool) * Run quality control and calculate QC metrics * Identify ATAC-seq "peaks" with a high coverage of mapped reads * Analyze peak regions for binding motifs * Identify differentially accessible regions (for multiple-sample experiments) * Identify potential targets of peak regions and/or differentially accessible regions