
Version 3 (modified by thiruvil, 4 years ago) ( diff )


Using ATAC-Seq to identify open chromatin

ATAC-seq (Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin using sequencing) is a method to identify regions of accessible ("open") chromatin that are presumed to be available for binding by transcription factors and other DNA-binding proteins, which in turn can regulate genome function. It can help answer experimental questions previously addressed by techniques like MNase-seq, DNase-Seq, and FAIRE-Seq.

Basic Approach

  • Pre-process reads (remove adapters and other "contamination")
  • Map reads to the genome (with an unspliced mapping tool)
  • Run quality control and calculate QC metrics
  • Identify ATAC-seq "peaks" with a high coverage of mapped reads
  • Analyze peak regions for binding motifs
  • Identify differentially accessible regions (for multiple-sample experiments)
  • Identify potential targets of peak regions and/or differentially accessible regions

ATAC-Seq Analysis Details

  • Paired-end reads are better and recommended over single reads for ATAC-seq. The original ATAC-Seq method from the Greenleaf lab recommends PE reads, stating, "We found that ATAC-seq paired-end reads produced detailed information about nucleosome packing and positioning."
  • Check adapter contamination with fastqc. Remove adapters with cutadapt or trim_galore:
# --fastqc                Run FastQC in the default mode on the FastQ file once trimming is complete.
# --nextera               Adapter sequence to be trimmed is the first 12bp of the Nextera adapter
                        'CTGTCTCTTATA' instead of the default auto-detection of adapter sequence.
trim_galore --fastqc  -nextera --paired --length 30 -o clean_adaptor_folder read1.fq read2.fq
  • Map reads with bowtie2, for PE keep only concordant pairs
# --very-sensitive options --no-discordant    suppress discordant alignments for paired reads
# -X/--maxins <int>  maximum fragment length (500). Increase to 2000 to get a better nucleosome distribution.
# --no-discordant    suppress discordant alignments for paired reads

bowtie2 --very-sensitive --no-discordant -p 2 -X 2000 -x /nfs/genomes/human_hg38_dec13_no_random/bowtie/hg38 -1 read1.fq -2 read2.fq | samtools view -ub - | samtools sort -T $name - >| bowtie_out.bam
  • Remove duplicates, if needed check fastqc to see deduplication level. Remove with Picard MarkDuplicates or Samtools rmdup
  • Remove reads mapped to mitochondria
samtools view -h file.bam | grep -v chrM | samtools view -b -h -f 0x2 - | samtools sort - > file.sorted.bam
  • Call peaks using MACS
#use this only if using BAMPE, let MACS pileup and calculate extsize; duplicates were not removed
macs2 callpeak -f BAMPE -t file.sorted.bam --broad --keep-dup 1 -B -q 0.01 -g mm -n MACS_ATACSeq_Peaks

#note: if duplicates were removed, use --keep-dup all; if not, use --keep-dup 1.  Removing duplicates is recommended.

#BAMPE format: there is no special format for BAMPE - MACS will treat PE reads as coming from the same fragment, from the manual, 
"If the BAM file is generated for paired-end data, MACS will only keep the left mate(5' end) tag. However, when format BAMPE is specified, MACS will use the real fragments inferred from alignment results for reads pileup."

  • Additional notes on calling peaks using MACS: using MACS default options without BAMPE may not call the correct peaks. Alternative options/parameters in calling peaks using MACS, if BAMPE is not used are, --nomodel --shift s --extsize 2s, this can be used for single-end reads as well, e.g. --shift 100 --extsize 200 is suitable for ATAC-Seq.
    • MACS' author, T.Liu, recommends using -f BAMPE if PE reads are used, using BAMPE option asks MACS to pileup and calculate the extension size - works for finding accessible regions within cut sites. The additional parameters can also be used to look only at the exact cut sites by Tn5 instead of the open/accessible regions, if so, -f BAMPE may not be suitable.
  • Genrich is another piece of software for peak-calling. It has the advantage of running all of the post-alignment steps through peak-calling with one command. It can take multiple replicates. Detailed information can be found in Harvard ATAC-seq Guidelines
# need to sort by name
samtools sort -n -T abc bowtie/ATAC.bam >ATAC_sortedByName.bam"
Genrich -e chrM -j -r -v -t ATAC_sortedByName.bam  -o peaks/ATAC_peak  -f peaks/ATAC_log

-j      ATAC-seq mode (must be specified)  intervals are interpreted that are centered on transposase cut sites (the ends of each DNA fragment). Only properly paired alignments are analyzed by default
-r      Remove PCR duplicates
-d <int>        Expand cut sites to the given length (default 100bp)
-e <arg>        Chromosomes (reference sequences) to exclude. Can be a comma-separated list, e.g. -e chrM,chrY.
-E <file>       Input BED file(s) of genomic regions to exclude, such as 'N' homopolymers or high mappability regions
-t  <file>       Input SAM/BAM file(s) for experimental sample(s)
-o  <file>       Output peak file (in ENCODE narrowPeak format)
-f <LOG>        Those who wish to explore the results of varying the peak-calling parameters (-q/-p, -a, -l, -g) should consider having Genrich produce a log file when it parses the SAM/BAM files (for example, with -f <LOG> added to the above command). Then, Genrich can call peaks directly from the log file with the -P option:
                        Genrich  -P  -f <LOG>  -o <OUT2>  -p 0.01  -a 200  -v

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