51 | | #Mouse: mm37 (UCSC/RefSeq), mm37.61 (Ensembl) |
52 | | #Human: hg37 (UCSC/RefSeq), hg37.61 (Ensembl) |
53 | | #Output is created in several files: an html summary file and text files with detailed information |
54 | | snpEff -vcf4 mm37.61 accepted_hits.raw.filtered.vcf > accepted_hits.raw.filtered.snpEff |
| 51 | #Mouse: mm37 (UCSC/RefSeq), mm37.61 (Ensembl) |
| 52 | #Human: hg37 (UCSC/RefSeq), hg37.61 (Ensembl) |
| 53 | #Output is created in several files: an html summary file and text files with detailed information |
| 54 | #NOTE: snpEff requires a config file, .snpEff.config; annotating variants on the mitochondria (which has a different codon usage) needs to be specified in the config file, eg. |
| 55 | #GRCh37.71.genome : Homo_sapiens |
| 56 | #GRCh37.71.reference : ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-71/gtf/ |
| 57 | #GRCh37.71.MT.codonTable = Vertebrate_Mitochondrial (non-standard!) |
| 58 | |
| 59 | snpEff GRCh37.71 variants.vcf > variants.annotated.vcf |