Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of SOPs/creatingVirtualEnvs

02/04/25 09:33:16 (3 weeks ago)



  • SOPs/creatingVirtualEnvs

    v1 v1  
     1== Creating and using virtual environments ==
     3=== Conda environments ===
     5Start by downloading and installing conda somewhere that will have enough room to hold lots of applications (so not your home directory)
     8# Get the Miniforge installer
     11# Miniforge3 will now be installed into this location:
     12# [choose your preferred location]
     16Create your desired environment
     19# Activate the environment (pointing to where you installed conda)
     20eval "$(/nfs/BaRC/USER/conda/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"
     21# Create a new environment
     22# If you don't include '--no-default-packages' you'll also get everything on your PATH
     23/nfs/BaRC/USER/conda/bin/conda create --name RNAseq_2024a --no-default-packages
     26Activate the environment
     28    '''conda activate RNAseq_2024a'''
     30Add applications to your environment, specifying versions (if you want the install commands to be reproducible).  These will be installed under your original conda location.
     31The newest version of some software can cause problems (such as with STAR: "Genome version: 2.7.1a is INCOMPATIBLE with running STAR version: 2.7.11b") or conda incompatibilities.
     34conda install -c bioconda STAR=2.7.11b
     35conda activate RNAseq_BaRC_20241220
     36conda install -c bioconda multiqc=1.25.2
     37conda install -c bioconda fastqc=0.12.1
     38conda install -c bioconda STAR=2.7.1
     39conda install -c bioconda subread=2.0.8
     42Get a list of packages in our environment
     44    '''conda list -n RNAseq_2024a'''
     46Leave the environment
     48    '''conda deactivate'''
     50Go back to environment
     52    '''conda activate RNAseq_2024a'''
     54The name of your current environment should be obvious from the command line.
     56    '''(RNAseq_2024a) gbell@sparky ~$'''
     58Save the environment
     60    '''conda env export > RNAseq_BaRC_20241219.environment.yml'''
     62Someone else should be able to create new environment from this YAML file
     64    '''conda env create -f RNAseq_BaRC_20241219.environment.yml'''
     66Remove a problem piece of software from the environment
     68    '''conda remove STAR'''
     70If you no longer want the environment
     72    '''conda remove -n ENV_NAME --all'''
     74If we want to use slurm, we need to add the path to the slurm commands.
     75Is there a better way to do this?
     77    '''export PATH=$PATH:/opt/slurm/bin'''
     79To test the environment -- the RNA-seq Hot Topics exercises should work.
     81See also the Whitehead IT **conda** page:
     83=== Singularity environments ===
     85[[ | Singularity containers]] allow you to create and run containers that package up pieces of software in a way that is portable and reproducible.  Some software now comes in this way so that "installation" is simply downloading a SIF file.
     87One example is [[ | AGAT]] (Another Gtf/Gff Analysis Toolkit), which provides [[ | instructions]] on how to download and run the AGAT container that includes a series of applications:
     90# Download
     91singularity pull docker://
     92# Run
     93singularity run agat_1.0.0--pl5321hdfd78af_0.sif
     94# When finished
     98Then one can run commands such as ''.  The trouble is that the environment doesn't include our usual filesystem, making it not very useful.  The 'singularity' command needs to be modified to also include the required folder(s), such as the following one-line command
     101singularity run -B /lab/BaRC_projects:/lab/BaRC_projects --cleanenv --pwd /lab/BaRC_projects /nfs/BaRC_Public/apps/AGAT/agat_1.0.0--pl5321hdfd78af_0.sif
     102# Go where we want
     103cd /lab/BaRC_projects
     104# Check that the environment includes our desired files/folders
     108One problem is that this is an older version of AGAT (v1.0.0).  Another problem is that some of the commands require samtools, which is not present in the container.  What can we do about this?
     110One solution to build a customized singularity container is to use the [[ | Sequera Container Builder]].  We can search for and add AGAT (not the first hit) and samtools, then specifying that we want a singularity container.  Then click on "Get Container".  When it's ready, run 'singularity pull' on the oras link, like
     112    '''singularity pull oras://'''
     114We end up downloading a file like 'agat_samtools_d30ed34317069fe6.sif'.  Then we can do the 'singularity run' command like above and get to run both AGAT and samtools.
     116By the way, including '--cleanenv' in the 'singularity run' command is to prevent the container from reading the environment from your .bashrc file.  If you want to include those aliases, etc. then remove '--cleanenv'.
     118See also the Whitehead IT **singularity** page: