Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of SOPs/go_annotation

12/12/16 11:45:43 (8 years ago)



  • SOPs/go_annotation

    v4 v5  
    1717   ==== Ranked List ====
    1818   1. Create a two column file with gene names as first column and numeric values for second column (eg. weight, p-value, etc), does not need to be sorted.
    19      * Assigning weights: There is no standard way to assign weights, however, it should reflect some logical order.  GSEA uses the correlation (between expression and phenotype) to assign weights, if the list is not pre-ordered or ranked.  A similar scheme can be used to rank the genes, other options includes using the t-score, or a scoring scheme that takes into account both log ratio and p-value.
     19     * Assigning weights: There is no standard way to assign weights, however, it should reflect some logical order.  GSEA uses the correlation between expression and phenotype to assign weights, if the list is not pre-ordered or ranked.  A similar scheme can be used to rank genes by log2 ratio, t-statistic, or a scoring scheme that takes into account both log ratio and p-value.
    2020     * If a gene list is not unique, duplicate genes can be given a //shared// weight, for eg. if a gene occurs four times in the list it is given a weight of 0.25, if it is unique a weight of 1 is given.
    2121   2. Run GSEA: Tools -> GseaPreranked