| 79 | |
| 80 | '''Method 4'''. For visualization, draw a scatterplot on log2 gene expression levels with WT and KO on X and Y axis, highlight the bound genes on top of all genes. This can be achieved with simple R codes. In this example, the two text files each has three columns, with geneID, WT and KO as header. |
| 81 | |
| 82 | {{{ |
| 83 | control=read.delim("all_genes_exp.txt") |
| 84 | GenesBound = read.delim("GenesBound_exp.txt") |
| 85 | par(pty="s") |
| 86 | plot(log2(control$WT), log2(control$KO)) |
| 87 | abline(0,1) |
| 88 | points (log2(GenesBound$WT, log2(GenesBound$KO), col="red") |
| 89 | }}} |
| 90 | |