73 | | * '''--solexa-quals''' (if input quals are from GA Pipeline ver. < 1.3) See the table at the top of FastQC output to identify the "encoding" scale [[br]] |
74 | | * '''--phred64-quals''' or '''solexa1.3-quals''' (if input quals are from GA Pipeline ver. >= 1.3 before Illumina 1.8) See the table at the top of FastQC output to identify the "encoding" scale [[br]] |
| 76 | * '''--segment-length <int>''' Shortest length of a spliced read that can map to one side of the junction. For reads shorter than ~45 nt, set this to half the read length (so set '--segment-length 20' for 40-nt reads). For longer reads, the default length (25) can be used. |
| 77 | * '''-G <GTF file>''' Supply bowtie with a GTF file of transcript models. This can help bowtie identify functions that may otherwise be missed. |
| 78 | * '''--no-novel-juncs ''' Only look for spliced reads across junctions in the supplied GTF file. Typically not used. |
| 79 | Choices for fastq encoding (which is listed as "Encoding" in the top "Basic Statistics" table of the FastQC output file). See the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FASTQ_format FASTQ format page] for more details. |
| 80 | * '''--solexa-quals''' (for input quality scores from Illumina versions 1.2 and earlier) |
| 81 | * '''--solexa1.3-quals''' or '''--phred64-quals''' (for input quality scores from Illumina versions 1.3-1.7) |
| 82 | |
| 83 | '''[http://tophat.cbcb.umd.edu/ tophat version 2]''' |
| 84 | |
| 85 | TopHat version 2 uses bowtie2, rather than bowtie, for its mapping. |
| 86 | |
| 87 | Sample command: |
| 88 | {{{ |
| 89 | bsub tophat -o s_7_tophat_out --phred64-quals --segment-length 20 -G /nfs/genomes/mouse_gp_jul_07_no_random/gtf/Mus_musculus.NCBIM37.67_noNT.gtf --no-novel-juncs /nfs/genomes/mouse_gp_jul_07_no_random/bowtie/mm9 s_7.txt |
| 90 | }}} |
| 91 | |
| 92 | The parameters included in the sample command are: |
| 93 | * '''-o/--output-dir <word>''' All output files will be created in this directory (default = tophat_out) |
| 94 | * '''--segment-length <int>''' Shortest length of a spliced read that can map to one side of the junction. For reads shorter than ~45 nt, set this to half the read length (so set '--segment-length 20' for 40-nt reads). For longer reads, the default length (25) can be used. |
| 95 | * '''-G <GTF file>''' Supply bowtie with a GTF file of transcript models. This can help bowtie identify functions that may otherwise be missed. |
| 96 | * '''--no-novel-juncs ''' Only look for spliced reads across junctions in the supplied GTF file. Typically not used. |
| 97 | |
| 98 | Choices for fastq encoding (which is listed as "Encoding" in the top "Basic Statistics" table of the FastQC output file). See the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FASTQ_format FASTQ format page] for more details. |
| 99 | * '''--solexa-quals''' (for input quality scores from Illumina versions 1.2 and earlier) |
| 100 | * '''--solexa1.3-quals''' or '''--phred64-quals''' (for input quality scores from Illumina versions 1.3-1.7) |
| 101 | |