8 | | |
9 | | === Convert, sort, and/or index === |
10 | | |
11 | | {{{ |
12 | | # Convert SAM to BAM: |
13 | | samtools view -bS -o foo.bam foo.sam |
14 | | }}} |
15 | | |
16 | | {{{ |
17 | | # Convert BAM to SAM: |
18 | | samtools view -h -o foo.sam foo.bam |
19 | | }}} |
20 | | {{{ |
21 | | # Sort BAM file (where ".bam" is added to "foo.sorted") |
22 | | samtools sort foo.bam -T foo > foo.sorted.bam |
23 | | }}} |
24 | | {{{ |
25 | | # Index a sorted BAM file (which creates foo.sorted.bam.bai): |
26 | | samtools index foo.sorted.bam |
27 | | |
28 | | # Both foo.sorted.bam and foo.sorted.bam.bai are needed for visualization. |
29 | | }}} |
30 | | |
31 | | All three steps (SAM=>BAM, sorting, and indexing) can be merged into one command. See |
32 | | {{{ |
33 | | /nfs/BaRC_Public/BaRC_code/Perl/SAM_to_BAM_sort_index/SAM_to_BAM_sort_index.pl |
34 | | # Or on a folder of SAM files |
35 | | for samFile in `/bin/ls *.sam`; do bsub /nfs/BaRC_Public/BaRC_code/Perl/SAM_to_BAM_sort_index/SAM_to_BAM_sort_index.pl $samFile ; done |
36 | | }}} |
37 | | |
| 20 | === Convert, sort, and/or index === |
| 21 | |
| 22 | {{{ |
| 23 | # Convert SAM to BAM: |
| 24 | samtools view -bS -o foo.bam foo.sam |
| 25 | }}} |
| 26 | |
| 27 | {{{ |
| 28 | # Convert BAM to SAM: |
| 29 | samtools view -h -o foo.sam foo.bam |
| 30 | }}} |
| 31 | {{{ |
| 32 | # Sort BAM file (where ".bam" is added to "foo.sorted") |
| 33 | samtools sort foo.bam -T foo > foo.sorted.bam |
| 34 | }}} |
| 35 | {{{ |
| 36 | # Index a sorted BAM file (which creates foo.sorted.bam.bai): |
| 37 | samtools index foo.sorted.bam |
| 38 | |
| 39 | # Both foo.sorted.bam and foo.sorted.bam.bai are needed for visualization. |
| 40 | }}} |
| 41 | |
| 42 | All three steps (SAM=>BAM, sorting, and indexing) can be merged into one command. See |
| 43 | {{{ |
| 44 | /nfs/BaRC_Public/BaRC_code/Perl/SAM_to_BAM_sort_index/SAM_to_BAM_sort_index.pl |
| 45 | # Or on a folder of SAM files |
| 46 | for samFile in `/bin/ls *.sam`; do bsub /nfs/BaRC_Public/BaRC_code/Perl/SAM_to_BAM_sort_index/SAM_to_BAM_sort_index.pl $samFile ; done |
| 47 | }}} |
| 48 | |