== Mining, summarizing, and processing SAM/BAM files == Many of these involve [http://samtools.sourceforge.net/samtools.shtml | samtools] === Convert, sort, and/or index === {{{ Convert SAM to BAM: samtools view -bS -o foo.bam foo.sam }}} {{{ Convert BAM to SAM: samtools view -h -o foo.sam foo.bam }}} {{{ Sort BAM file (where ".bam" is added to "foo.sorted") samtools sort foo.bam foo.sorted }}} {{{ Index a sorted BAM file (which creates foo.sorted.bam.bai): samtools index foo.sorted.bam Both foo.sorted.bam and foo.sorted.bam.bai are needed for visualization. }}} All three steps (SAM=>BAM, sorting, and indexing) can be merged into one command. See {{{ /nfs/BaRC_Public/BaRC_code/Perl/SAM_to_BAM_sort_index/SAM_to_BAM_sort_index.pl }}} === Process a BAM file into another BAM file === In many cases, there's no need to create an intermediate SAM file. For example, to extract selected (mapped to chrM) reads: {{{ samtools index accepted_hits.bam # Required if you want to select a genome region (like chrM) samtools view -h accepted_hits.bam chrM | samtools view -bS - > accepted_hits.chrM_only.bam }}} We need to keep the header to convert back to BAM (hence the '-h' with 'samtools view' and the '$1 ~ ...' with awk). === Count the number of mapped reads === {{{ samtools flagstat mapped_unmapped.bam }}} === Count the number of mapped reads by chromosome === {{{ Method 1 (all chromosomes) 1 - Index the BAM file: samtools index mapped_reads.bam 2 - Get index statistics (including the number of mapped reads in the third column: samtools idxstats mapped_reads.bam }}} {{{ Method 2 (one chromosome at a time, for example, chr2) From SAM awk -F"\t" '$3 == "chr2" {print $1}' mapped_reads.sam | sort -u | wc -l From BAM samtools view mapped_reads.bam chr2 | cut -f 1 | sort -u | wc -l }}} === Remove unmapped reads === {{{ samtools view -hS -F 4 mapped_unmapped.sam > mapped_only.sam }}} === How many multiple/uniquely mapped reads are in a bam/sam file? === {{{ bam_stat.py -i mapped_reads.bam >& bam_stat.out.txt }}}