== Review Articles == Review article by [http://www.ploscollections.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.0030123 Cedric Notredame][[br]] [http://www.genomeweb.com/alignment-algorithms-0 Genome Technology article] by Fran and George == Start with sequences from a database == Useful alignment algorithms - available on the web, for desktop computers, for linux systems [http://www.drive5.com/muscle/ muscle][[BR]] [http://www.tcoffee.org/ t_coffee][[BR]] [http://mafft.cbrc.jp/alignment/software/ mafft] The output from these programs can then be visualized in [http://www.clustal.org/ ClustalX] or [http://www.jalview.org/download Jalview]. Our favorite method is to use the T-COFFEE suite (more specifically, M-Coffee) to run multiple alignment methods and then create a consensus alignment, a sort of a meta-alignment. This can be done with a single command like {{{ t_coffee my_proteins.fa -method=t_coffee_msa,mafft_msa,probcons_msa,muscle_msa -output=fasta_aln }}} The final consensus alignment will appear in the file my_proteins.fasta_aln, which can them be viewed in ClustalX. == Start with genome coordinates == This method will detail how to extract a slice of a pre-computed genome-genome alignment from the UCSC Genome Browser. * Select region in UCSC Genome Browser (ex: chr19:100,000-100,100 in human hg19 assembly) * Click on Tools > Table Browser * In the Table Browser, make these selections: * group => Comparative Genomics * table => Multiz Align * region => position (which should show the region you began with in the genome browser) * output format => maf * Click "get output" button * Copy/paste or save MAF file (ex: MyRegion.maf) * Few programs understand MAF format, so you may need to convert the alignment to a format like fasta. * By selecting the "-" strand, the program will reverse-complement the alignment. * 'refGenome' should be the UCSC Bioinformatics assembly name (like hg19 or mm9). {{{ # USAGE: maf_alignment_to_fasta.pl mafFile refGenome regionName strand[+-] > regionName.fa Sample command: /nfs/BaRC_Public/BaRC_code/Perl/maf_alignment_to_fasta/maf_alignment_to_fasta.pl MyRegion.maf hg19 myRegion + > Gata4.NEW.fa }}}