Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of SOPs/qc_SRA

08/19/20 16:29:48 (5 years ago)



  • SOPs/qc_SRA

    v1 v1  
     1== Downloading and processing NCBI SRA files ==
     3**SRA** (for Sequence Read Archive) is a NCBI binary format for short reads.
     5It's thoroughly described in the [[|SRA Handbook]]
     7SRA files can be downloaded as compressed fastq in a web browser using [[|SRA Explorer]].
     9Processing SRA files requires the [[|NCBI SRA Toolkit]], which is installed on our systems.
     11The main command is **fastq-dump <SRA archive file>**, like
     13''**fastq-dump SRR060751.sra**''
     15If your reads are paired, by default the #1 and #2 reads will end up concatenated together in the same file. 
     16To check if the SRA sample has paired reads or not, go to the [ SRA Run browser], enter the sample ID, and look in the table under "Layout".
     18To get matched paired reads into separate files, use a command like
     20''**fastq-dump --split-3 SRR060751.sra**''
     22This works the same as using the "--split-files", but "--split-3" puts unpaired reads (if any) into a third file.
     24You can ask also for gzipped output instead of typical fastq:
     26''**fastq-dump --split-3 --gzip SRR060751.sra**''
     28See [[|Converting SRA format data into FASTQ]] for all program options.
     30Note that a fastq file is about 4-5x larger than its corresponding SRA file.
     32fastq-dump can be used to download/fetch the SRA file, or you can download (eg. using wget) the SRA file directly and then run fastq-dump to get the fastq file.  Downloading SRA file directly will avoid changing home dir path for large file (see below).
     34'''Note:''' As of fastq-dump version 2.8.1, running fastq-dump will require the vdb-config to be set up correctly.  By default, downloaded/cache file is copied to the user's home directory, which is likely to run out of space.  Run,
     37vdb-config --restore-defaults
     38vdb-config -i #use the GUI to enter a different location. 
     41Manually editing the file, $HOME/.ncbi/user-settings.mkfg, doesn't seem to work.  See [[ | NCBI SRA Installation/Config]].  Other alternatives: i) simply symlink the NCBI directory in your home directory to somewhere else with larger storage, or ii) download the SRA file directly (eg. using wget) before using fastq-dump.
     44#download SRR4090409.sra (e.g. use wget) from SRA and convert to fastq
     45fastq-dump SRR4090409.sra
     47#download SRA file via fastq-dump (important: home directory or vdb-config file must be set up correctly), and convert to fastq
     48fastq-dump SRR4090409
     51In order to '''download a list of SRA files''' from NCBI, it is convenient to use prefetch.
     53As mentioned in [[| SRA website ]], you can download list of Run accessions from search results page ([[ |- Example offsite image]]) - select Runs of interest by clicking on the checkboxes, click on "Send To", "file", and select "Accession List" in the drop-down menu.
     55Given a set of SRA files listed in a single column in the text file "SraAccList.txt" (e.g. SRR7623010, SRR7623011, etc.), the following command will download the entire set:
     58prefetch --option-file sraAccList.txt
     61This is current as of prefetch v. 2.9.3 (2.9.3-1).  Note that the default location for downloaded files is in your home directory under ~/ncbi/ncbi_public/sra.  With this default, one can quickly run out of space.  One solution to address this problem is to edit your ~/.ncbi/user-settings.mkfg file to include the following line:
     63/repository/user/main/public/root = "/destination/for/big/storage/here"
     66or point to the destination folder with -O
     69'''Download Metadata:'''
     70When in your GEO series page, click on SRA link -> click on "Send to" on the top of the page -> check the "File" radiobutton, and select "RunInfo" in pull-down menu. This will generate a tabular SraRunInfo.csv file with metadata available for each Run.