Changes between Version 29 and Version 30 of SOPs/rna-seq-diff-expressions
- Timestamp:
- 06/01/16 10:45:32 (9 years ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v29 v30 30 30 * Typically we use [[|htseq-count]] to get counts for each gene 31 31 * Include same GTF file describing gene models as was used for mapping -- but think carefully about what genes should be included (such as long non-coding RNAs, microRNAs, or piRNAs) 32 * Carefully choose the best "mode" to handle reads that don't completely map to exactly one gene 33 * Counting can be also performed transcript level but this may be too much information 32 * Is your sequencing library stranded or unstranded? This information is needed to help htseq-count accurately count features. 33 * Carefully choose the best "mode" to handle reads that don't completely map to exactly one gene. 34 * Counting can be also performed transcript level but this may be too much information. 34 35 * htseq-count can accept SAM or BAM (-f option), for example 35 * ''htseq-count -f bam -m intersection-strict --stranded=no accepted_hits.bam gene_models.gtf >| gene_model.counts.txt'' 36 * Note that htseq-count assumes that your reads are strand-specific, so if not, include "--stranded=no" (or half of your reads won't be counted). 36 * ''htseq-count -f bam -m intersection-strict --stranded=reverse accepted_hits.sortedByName.bam gene_models.gtf >| gene_model.counts.txt'' 37 * Note that htseq-count assumes that your reads are strand-specific; default is --stranded=yes 38 * If your reads are not stranded, use "--stranded=no" (or half of your reads won't be counted). If they're stranded and in the opposite direction from the transcript, use "--stranded=reverse". 37 39 * Note the "-" can be used for input from standard input (stdin) 38 * For paired-end reads the sam file has to be sorted by read name , or coordinate, eg.''bsub "samtools sort -n -o accepted_hits.sortedByName.bam -m 5G -O bam -T temp accepted_hits.bam"''40 * For paired-end reads the sam file has to be sorted by read name: ''bsub "samtools sort -n -o accepted_hits.sortedByName.bam -m 5G -O bam -T temp accepted_hits.bam"'' 39 41 * To request a certain amount of memory and a specific node use ''bsub -R "rusage[mem=50000]" -m NodeName '' 40 42 * Remove the rows at the bottom with descriptions like no_feature, ambiguous, etc.