Changes between Version 58 and Version 59 of SOPs/rna-seq-diff-expressions
- Timestamp:
- 10/16/18 09:35:51 (6 years ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v58 v59 29 29 * **Quantification of raw counts** 30 30 31 * Is your sequencing library stranded or unstranded? This information is needed to help these tools accurately count features. Strandedness of some library prep methods: 32 * "TruSeqStrandedPolyA" reads are stranded in the reverse direction (relative to the transcript orientation). 33 * "SMARTerUltra-lowPOLYA-V4" reads are unstranded. 34 * See [[SAMBAMqc]] (and/or look at mapped reads in a genome browser) to determine or verify strandedness 35 31 36 * Currently our favorite tool for this is [[|featureCounts]], part of the [[|Subread]] package. 32 37 * featureCounts is much faster than htseq-count, but the details of its counting method is quite different from that of htseq-count, especially for paired-end reads … … 53 58 * [[|htseq-count]] works fine to get counts for each gene, but it's quite slow. 54 59 * Include same GTF file describing gene models as was used for mapping -- but think carefully about what genes should be included (such as long non-coding RNAs, microRNAs, or piRNAs) 55 * Is your sequencing library stranded or unstranded? This information is needed to help htseq-count accurately count features. If the library prep method is "TruSeqStrandedPolyA", for example, the reads will be stranded in the reverse direction (relative to the transcript orientation).56 * See [[SAMBAMqc]] to determine strandedness57 60 * Carefully choose the best "mode" to handle reads that don't completely map to exactly one gene. 58 61 * Counting can be also performed transcript level but this may be too much information.