| 88 | |
| 89 | Filter vcf with [http://snpeff.sourceforge.net/SnpSift.html#filter snpSift Filter ] function |
| 90 | {{{ |
| 91 | # only keep the variants with DV (number of high-quality non-reference bases) at least 1 in both the 1st and 2nd samples: |
| 92 | java -jar /nfs/BaRC/apps/snpEff/Version_4/SnpSift.jar filter " (GEN[0].DV>=1) & (GEN[1].DV>=1)" foo.vcf > s1.DVabove1.plus.s2.DVabove1.vcf |
| 93 | }}} |
| 94 | |
| 95 | Extract fields from a VCF file to a TXT, tab separated format with [http://snpeff.sourceforge.net/SnpSift.html#Extract snpSift extractFields] function |
| 96 | {{{ |
| 97 | # extract chromosome, position, reference base(s), alternate bases(s), all the samples' DP4 (number of high-quality ref-fwd, ref-reverse, alt-fwd, alt-reverse bases): |
| 98 | java -jar /nfs/BaRC/apps/snpEff/Version_4/SnpSift.jar extractFields - CHROM POS REF ALT GEN[*].DP4 foo.vcf > DP4.vcf |
| 99 | }}} |