| 1 | [https://www.nanostring.com/products/analysis-solutions/ncounter-analysis-solutions/ Download nSolver], follow [https://www.nanostring.com/products/analysis-solutions/ncounter-analysis-solutions/nsolver-data-analysis-support/?gclid=CjwKCAiA6Y2QBhAtEiwAGHybPXRmTMsg6CYmYlPJl4DtBPbgD83x2YhVeUUxBMgr2fadqt_7P-WSKRoCyZgQAvD_BwE nSOlver guide ] for Check QC, normalization and analysis. |
| 2 | |
| 3 | For mRNA normalization, nSolver first checks on positive controls, and then normalizes housekeeping genes with geometric mean. |
| 4 | |
| 5 | The reported ratio is fold change, with the higher value as numerator, sign as direction of the comparison. |