Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of SOPs/qc_shortReads

09/06/13 14:56:15 (11 years ago)



  • SOPs/qc_shortReads

    v2 v3  
    118118If you get an error like "Invalid quality score value", your fastq file probably has Sanger (offset 33) instead of Illumina (ASCII offset 64) quality scores. 
    119119You'll need to add the option "-Q33" to your FASTX Toolkit arguments.
    121 == Remove linker (adapter) RNA: ==
    122   * What is the sequence of the linker (adapter) to be removed?
    123     * Biologists generally know which linker (adapter) RNA is used for their sample(s).
    124     * Also or in addition, when you run quality control with shortRead or FASTQC, check out
    125          * repetitive segments in the "over represented sequences" section.
    126          * "Per base sequence content" for any patterns at the beginning of your reads
    127     * See [[|fastx_clipper usage]] (or ''fastx_clipper -h'') for more arguments
    128   * sample command:
    130 {{{
    131 bsub "fastx_clipper -a CTGTAGGCACCATCAAT -i s2_sequence.txt -v -l 22 -o s2_sequence_noLinker.txt"
    132 In the above command:
    133    -a CTGTAGGCACCATCAAT is the linker sequence
    134    -i  s2_sequence.txt is input solexa fastq file
    135    -v is Verbose [report number of sequences in output and discarded]
    136    -l 22 is to discard sequences shorter than 22 nucleotides
    137    -o s2_ sequence_noLinker.txt is output file.
    138 }}}
    141   * If you get the message "Invalid quality score value..." you have the older range of quality scores.
    142     * Add the argument -Q 33, such as
    143     * fastx_clipper -a CTGTAGGCACCATCAAT -Q 33 -i s2_sequence.txt -v -l 22 -o s2_sequence_noLinker.txt
    145   * [[|cutadapt]] is another tool that is designed to find and remove adapters:
    146     * more options than fastx_clipper, such as specifically trimming 5' or 3' adapters and specifying error rate (allowed mismatches)
    147     * [wiki:SOPs/cutadapt sample usage]
    149 == Trim reads to a specified length ==
    150    * If we have reads of different lengths (//i.e.// because we clipped out the adapter sequences), we can trim them to have them all be the same length. Use **fastx_trimmer** for that.
    151    * sample command:
    154 {{{
    155 bsub "fastx_trimmer -f 1 -l 22  -i s7_sequence_clipped.txt -o s7_sequence_clipped_trimmed.txt"
    157 [-i INFILE]  = FASTA/Q input file. default is STDIN.
    158 [-o OUTFILE] = FASTA/Q output file. default is STDOUT.
    159 [-l N] = Last base to keep
    160 [-f N] = First base to keep. Default is 1 (=first base).
    162 }}}
    164121== Trim end of reads when quality drops below a threshold ==
     143= Modifying a file of short reads in other ways =
     147== Remove linker (adapter) RNA: ==
     148  * What is the sequence of the linker (adapter) to be removed?
     149    * Biologists generally know which linker (adapter) RNA is used for their sample(s).
     150    * Also or in addition, when you run quality control with shortRead or FASTQC, check out
     151         * repetitive segments in the "over represented sequences" section.
     152         * "Per base sequence content" for any patterns at the beginning of your reads
     153    * See [[|fastx_clipper usage]] (or ''fastx_clipper -h'') for more arguments
     154  * sample command:
     157bsub "fastx_clipper -a CTGTAGGCACCATCAAT -i s2_sequence.txt -v -l 22 -o s2_sequence_noLinker.txt"
     158In the above command:
     159   -a CTGTAGGCACCATCAAT is the linker sequence
     160   -i  s2_sequence.txt is input solexa fastq file
     161   -v is Verbose [report number of sequences in output and discarded]
     162   -l 22 is to discard sequences shorter than 22 nucleotides
     163   -o s2_ sequence_noLinker.txt is output file.
     167  * If you get the message "Invalid quality score value..." you have the older range of quality scores.
     168    * Add the argument -Q 33, such as
     169    * fastx_clipper -a CTGTAGGCACCATCAAT -Q 33 -i s2_sequence.txt -v -l 22 -o s2_sequence_noLinker.txt
     171  * [[|cutadapt]] is another tool that is designed to find and remove adapters:
     172    * more options than fastx_clipper, such as specifically trimming 5' or 3' adapters and specifying error rate (allowed mismatches)
     173    * [wiki:SOPs/cutadapt sample usage]
     175== Trim reads to a specified length ==
     176   * If we have reads of different lengths (//i.e.// because we clipped out the adapter sequences), we can trim them to have them all be the same length. Use **fastx_trimmer** for that.
     177   * sample command:
     181bsub "fastx_trimmer -f 1 -l 22  -i s7_sequence_clipped.txt -o s7_sequence_clipped_trimmed.txt"
     183[-i INFILE]  = FASTA/Q input file. default is STDIN.
     184[-o OUTFILE] = FASTA/Q output file. default is STDOUT.
     185[-l N] = Last base to keep
     186[-f N] = First base to keep. Default is 1 (=first base).
    185190== Remove Duplicates ==
     199== Select reads that are paired [for paired-end sequencing]  ==
     201During quality control, if low-quality reads have been removed for any reason, some reads may not have a paired end at the other end.  This can cause problems with mapping programs.
     203Sample command:
     206/nfs/BaRC_Public/BaRC_code/Perl/cmpfastq/ sequence.1_1.filt.txt sequence.1_2.filt.txt
     209Output files will be
     210  * *unique.out (reads that are only in the "1" or "2" set; 2 files) and
     211  * *common.out (reads that are in both the "1" and "2" set; 2 files).
     213The *common.out reads should be used for paired-read mapping.
    194215== Galaxy ==