29 | | {{{ |
30 | | bsub “perl /nfs/BaRC_Public/BaRC_code/Perl/cmpfastq/cmpfastq.pl s_8_1_sequence.txt s_8_2_sequence.txt” |
31 | | }}} |
32 | | |
33 | | * '''Paired-End Insert Size''': If paired-end insert size or distance is unknown or need to be verified, it can be extracted from a BAM/SAM file after running Bowtie. |
34 | | |
35 | | {{{ |
36 | | # Run bowtie |
37 | | bowtie -S /nfs/genomes/mouse_gp_jul_07/bowtie/mm9 -1 s_1_1_sequence.txt -2 s_1_2_sequence.txt -n 1 -p 2 -I 0 -X 500 >| s_1_bowtie.sam |
| 29 | {{{ |
| 30 | bsub “perl /nfs/BaRC_Public/BaRC_code/Perl/cmpfastq/cmpfastq.pl s_8_1_sequence.txt s_8_2_sequence.txt” |
| 31 | }}} |
| 32 | |
| 33 | * '''Paired-End Insert Size''': If paired-end insert size or distance is unknown or need to be verified, it can be extracted from a BAM/SAM file after running Bowtie. See the [[http://barcwiki.wi.mit.edu/wiki/SOPs/mapping|mapping SOP]] for more details. |
| 34 | |
| 35 | {{{ |
| 36 | # Map with bowtie (or another mapper) |
| 37 | bowtie -S /nfs/genomes/mouse_gp_jul_07/bowtie/mm9 -1 s_1_1_sequence.txt -2 s_1_2_sequence.txt -n 1 -p 2 -I 0 -X 500 >| s_1_bowtie.sam |
65 | | # load the data |
66 | | sr <- readFastq("s1_sequence.txt") |
67 | | # create a qa object from the ShortRead object |
68 | | qa <- qa( sr, lane="character" ) |
69 | | # create an html report in the qa directory |
70 | | report(qa, dest="my_qa") |
71 | | |
72 | | * QC all *.txt fastq files in a directory using ShortRead |
73 | | |
74 | | library("ShortRead") |
75 | | qaSummary <- qa(".", pattern="*.txt", type="fastq") |
76 | | #create an html report in the qa directory |
77 | | report(qaSummary, dest="myQC_dir") |
| 65 | # load the data |
| 66 | sr <- readFastq("s1_sequence.txt") |
| 67 | # create a qa object from the ShortRead object |
| 68 | qa <- qa( sr, lane="character" ) |
| 69 | # create an html report in the qa directory |
| 70 | report(qa, dest="my_qa") |
| 71 | }}} |
| 72 | |
| 73 | * QC all *.txt fastq files in a directory using ShortRead. |
| 74 | |
| 75 | {{{ |
| 76 | library("ShortRead") |
| 77 | qaSummary <- qa(".", pattern="*.txt", type="fastq") |
| 78 | #create an html report in the qa directory |
| 79 | report(qaSummary, dest="myQC_dir") |